"Preserving the past to inform the future."

II0 N. Peoria Street, P.O. Box 23, Magnolia, IL 61336
Parking and building access at East Entry and inside
on both levels are ADA accessible!
MTPA is pleased to announce the launch of a $500 scholarship to a Putnam County High School senior who is pursuing studies in
American History/Government.
Contact the PCHS
Guidance Counselor for details and an application.
The museum is open for
tours of exhibits!
Second & fourth Saturday
of each month
10 - Noon
Private tours of the exhibits can be booked by calling
Peggy, 815-257-0707
Check out the news on the
Programs & Events page.
To join MTPA, use the link
on the membership page
to download the membership
form and mail it with your dues to:
P.O. Box 23
Magnolia, IL 61336
To renew, mail dues to us and
we'll send your new
membership card to you.
Use the Exhibit Donation Form to donate an item (or items) to the musuem; your donation can be temporary or permanent--your choice.